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Newfoundland Canine Trust grants

Legacies - Tax benefits when you leave a bequest to the Newfoundland Canine Trust

Lots of people worry about Inheritance Tax but the good news is that leaving a gift to a charity in your Will can help reduce, or even remove, the tax burden on your estate.

Your legal adviser will be able to explain how the Inheritance Tax rules apply to you and your particular circumstances. As a charity we are not able to offer legal or tax advice.

Leaving gifts to charity in your Will

Your will says what will happen to your money, property and possessions after you die. Your donation will either:

  • be taken off the value of your estate before Inheritance Tax is calculated
  • reduce your Inheritance Tax rate, if 10% or more of your estate is left to charity

You can donate:

  • a fixed amount
  • an item
  • what's left after other gifts have been given out

About our Charitable status

The Newfoundland Canine Trust is registered with the Charity Commission as a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation). Our Registered Charity No. is 1196059. We are a Foundation Model, where the only members of the CIO are its trustees. We have:

  • A constitution as our governing document
  • Registered the CIO with the Charity Commission for it to legally come into existence
  • Keep a register of our members and trustees
  • Send our accounts and annual return to the Charity Commission each year, regardless of our income

What charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs) like ours need to submit:
We must answer questions about our charity in our annual return and include copies of our:

  • Trustee Annual Report
  • Accounts (if our income is over £25,000 we also need to get our accounts checked and submit a copy of the independent examiner's report)
We will need a full audit if we have: Income over £1 million, Gross assets over £3.26 million and income over £250,000.